Friday, September 3, 2010

I'll Have The Sarcasm, Hold The Sensitivity.....

Okay, is it just me or are we seeing a significant decrease in the number of storms occurring during hurricane season every year?  The now legendary Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans on Labor Day weekend in 2005.  Katrina,  as in “with a K”, as in A B C D E F G H I J K…… in the 11th letter of the alphabet translating into the 11th named storm of that season by the time Labor day rolled around.

So now it’s 2010, we’re headed into Labor Day weekend, and staring as Hurricane Earl, as in “with an E”, as in A B C D E……meaning the 5th storm of the season, swirls merrily into the sunset.   Meaning we’re a tad behind.

Of course I’m sure there are many that are not going to complain, namely folks that live in Florida or along the Gulf coast, the ones who are at primary risk to get slugged by one of these storms.  However I am going to complain and politely ask Mother Nature to kindly get on with it.  I work for an outfit that makes it’s living off providing water damage related leads, and to be blunt, we need these storms to give us some more work.   We need damage, we need carnage, and we need it now!

Of course we don’t want anybody to get hurt, and we heartily encourage anyone and everyone in the path of these storms to take your loved ones and more to higher ground.  But if you have insurance, do me a favor and paint a big bright target on your house.  Hey, you’re covered, and we need the work.  So just suck it up and let the next hurricane rattle you just a tad.  For me?  What say?

I know how grossly insensitive that must sound, but hey we all have our assigned duties.  Fact is, we don’t work unless somebody gets slammed.

I can also only hope that you reading this will recognize the sarcasm inherent therein…..of course we in no way wish anyone bad luck or loss during one of these storms.  We’re here for you when it happens.

Of course if you find the sarcasm more entertaining, then, hey, you're a wonderful audience, and I’ll be here all week….try the veal…

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