Meet Clare and Chuck Dhimitri from Boston, a nice young couple with a propensity for attracting disaster, namely floods, to their humble abode, with three major flooding events in the last couple of years. The most recent, in March, was so bad they had to be rescued by boat. One can only imagine what could be worse.
The floods have cause umpteen thousands of dollars’ worth of damage, racking up debt sufficient enough to put the Dhimitris in danger of foreclosure (which to this author, almost sounds appealing). The Dhimitris say they should have been warned about flooding possibilities before they moved in, town officials say they have looked at the site and found nothing to warrant concern. Obviously, somebody is wrong, but it all points to a case of simple bad luck (which is putting it mildly).
If there was ever a case for making sure you have adequate flood insurance, this is it. And the time to do it is now. When you’re waiting to be plucked from your rooftop, and the guy coming to your rescue has a foreclosure notice in his hands, well, then you can be fairly certain that your luck has, shall we say, run out.
I feel sorry for the Dhimitris, I really do, but sometimes there has to be an unfortunate example set before people will take action. This is one of those times.
Good luck, Clare and Chuck!
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