Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Water Removal Basics

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery....found this online today and it so obviously used to be one of mine.....minus the talent....and the charm.....

Water removal is the physical extraction of water from a home, business or property to reduce damage caused by flooding or other water related problems. Water is one of the most damaging natural elements. It is much harder to deal with than fire. With fire you know what is going to come after, that is not the case with water. Given the choice, most people would much rather deal with fire than water related damage.

Water gets into areas of your home where you would not think to look. This would make long term problems such as rotting of wood and rust more feasible. This affects the support and foundation of your home or business.

Water removal can be necessitated by causes such as floods (it’s the most severe and damaging cause), overflowing tubs, broken pipes, leaking roofs etc.

Immediate action is required to restore your property to its previous, good condition. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to repair the damage. Water removal should be handled by professional crews. They are much better equipped to handle the damage.

Water removal process follows a few steps:

1.         Inspection and assessment

This step involves assessing the damage caused and the scope of the damage. Levels of contamination can be established to ease in the analyzing.

2.         Water removal

Water removal is the most critical step. This is done by use of submersible pumps, vacuum units, blowers and dehumidifiers. Once all water has been removed, all the surfaces are dried, cleaned, and disinfected. If mold is present, the proper mold removal techniques will be applied.

3.         Damage assessment

After the water has been extracted, an assessment is carried out of the actual damage done. The professionals should come up with a plan on how to carry on after this step has been done. This plan of the drying and restoration process should cover all the items damaged.

4.         Cleanup

Experts in water removal can now embark on cleaning and disinfecting all wet and damp areas. All small spaces are also checked to ensure no patches of mold are left behind.

 5.         Drying

At this point, the home is left to dry. Dehumidifiers are used as well as other powerful drying equipment. This step can take several days, but should not be rushed to ensure mold re-growth does not occur.

6.         Restoration

After all items are dry, restoration process begins. This ensures that items around the house are restored to their previous condition. Water removal techniques may have left an item in a bad state and as such it is discarded.

Water removal and restoration is important to deal with water related accidents. Remember that fast reaction to the problem is essential to deal with the resulting problems.

Companies involved in water removal will use a variety of techniques and tools to accomplish the daunting task. You can also undertake some steps to reduce the chances of intentional water damage slim. Removal of standing water around the house, fixing of faulty plumbing and leaking pipes is also advised. Use professionally approved plumbing materials when fixing your home.

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