Friday, June 3, 2011

Mold In Summertime? You Bet...

Mold isn’t exactly something we think about all that often, but it does tend to cross our minds during the spring months when showers and storms occur almost daily and our homes and property are reluctant to completely dry out.  We also think about it in the winter, when melting snow can make for an abundance of moisture.  Summertime, however, is another story, and if there is a season where we let our guard down when it comes to mold, this is it.

The plain fact of the matter, however, is that mold is not confined by a season, or a temperature, or anything of the sort.  All mold requires for growth, rapid growth, is moisture.  And moisture can occur year round, any place, any time.  Mold also grows on practically anything….paper, ceiling tiles, piping, cardboard boxes, insulation, fabric…the list goes on. 

Mold brings with it various health hazards, ranging from milder allergic reactions, runny nose, watery eyes, skin irritation, etc., to more serious problems such as neurological disorders, respiratory problems, lung disease, and in rare cases, even death.

One aspect of mold not normally discussed is its ability to cause serious damage to the structure of your home.  Mold has a habit of slowly eating away and destroying whatever it is attached to, and that included the would or drywall in your home or business.  More than one property has been condemned and torn down for no other reason than out of control mold growth.

To stay ahead of mold in your home, keep a close eye on your air conditioner’s drain pan, clothes dryers that vent indoors (as they can provide an ample source for moisture), and even the overwatering of house plants.  In addition, condensation from high indoor humidity can present a problem, along with outdoor sprinklers that continuously wet the walls of your home.   Even wet clothing left to dry indoors can set the stage for mold growth.

Mold occurs in natural environments all the time, breaking down dead plant or animal tissue.  We encounter and even inhale mold spores almost every day, with no adverse side effects.  The problem arises when mold occurs within an enclosed space; suddenly mold spores are encountered in much higher concentrations than normal, and when inhaled, can present a variety of health threats.

It is very important for homeowners to recognize just how easy it is for mold to establish and grow within the home.  It is far easier to correct the potential problem than to get rid of it once it has established.  Reducing your home’s humidity to the lowest possible level can really go a long way toward preventing a serious mold problem.

Once you have mold in your home, it isn’t enough to simply remove it.  Unless the area is properly treated, the mold is guaranteed to return.  The affected area should be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, sanitized, and steps taken to reduce humidity and moisture and improve ventilation.  It is important to take all the steps necessary to prevent the return of the mold infestation.

For quality mold remediation services backed by a one year guarantee, contact your IICRC certified mold removal and water restoration professionals at Water Damage

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