Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What To Look For When Browsing Coffee Machines...

Looking at the range of coffee machines that are available in stores can often be quite confusing, as there are so many different features and things that the machines can do in terms of making coffee, and there are as many different types of machines as there are varieties of coffee available.  However, there are certain features that will usually add to the coffee drinking experience, and here, we will look at a few of these features that can help people to choose the best of the coffee machines that will match what the individuals are actually looking for from their coffee.

One of the most popular features for many people, especially for those who love a nice milky cappuccino, is the milk frother, which helps to provide the light creamy froth that is a big part of the style of such coffee.  There are plenty of coffee machines on the market today that offer this kind of feature, in various guises and styles.  This gives those who enjoy different types of coffee a little flexibility in the drink that they make, and although it can prove to be quite difficult to clean, it is definitely one of the most useful and most used features that can be found in coffee machines.

Having a heating ring on the coffee machines that helps to keep the coffee hot until it is needed is certainly another good thing to have, as it means that a batch of coffee can be made and drunk when the person is ready, rather than having to make the coffee from fresh every time that they want a cup.  Most coffee machines can keep a jug of coffee hot for a few hours, and although generally the fresher the coffee the better the taste, for the purposes of practicality, having a heating ring on the machine is a very useful feature to have.

As well as the various options for coffee machines that make regular coffee, there are also plenty of modern machines that can make espresso’s, latte’s, and various other traditional coffee drinks.  And depending on how selective and interested in coffee the person is, then there are a lot of machines ranging into the hundreds or even thousands which can be bought to meet the coffee demands of even the most discerning and sensitive coffee palette.  Although this will be for the select few, the majority of people can buy coffee machines which can really do everything they will expect from a coffee maker.

These are only a few of the popular features that are often built in to the modern coffee machines, which can help to add value to the products by making them much more flexible, and able to make a wider range of coffee drinks.  Practicality is also a big feature in these coffee machines, and by browsing the range to find the most suitable, people will soon be waking up to the delightful smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

What To Expect From Flood Damage...

The impact of flood damage on a property will usually be significant, as there are actually a wide range of different things that will be damaged when it comes to flooding. Therefore, it is important to look at these and see what can be done to deal with the damage that has arisen.  By dealing with all of the flood damage in a systematic way, it will be possible to help deal with and repair the damage, and to get the property back to a very livable state once again.

One of the first aspects of flood damage that will have to be considered when trying to arrange for the necessary repairs of a property is if there’s any damage to the electricity system.  The electrics within a property are particularly sensitive to things such as flooding, since the wiring can be ruined by the flood water when it comes into contact with it.  And especially if the electricity supply has not been disconnected prior to the flooding, then it can become necessary to rewire the entire property if flood damage has been significant enough.

Another important thing that must be taken into account when trying to cope and respond to flood damage is to look at the walls both inside and out and to identify what sort of damage may have occurred.  Indoors, it will often be damage to the plastering that will be one of the biggest problems to deal with, which will usually require the walls to be replastered once they have completely dried out, but doing this too early can lead to the job having to be redone further down the line.  Making sure that the external walls remain strong and have not been undermined will also be an important step when trying to cope with flood damage.

When it comes to dealing with the aftermath of flooding, the items that will have taken the most damage will be the soft furnishing and the movable items of furniture which will have absorbed a lot of the flood water.  These items will often be completely ruined by the flood damage.  Items such as chairs and couches, carpets, and tables will usually need to be replaced by new items, because the flood damage will usually be so significant that it will have led to these individual items being completely unusable. 

The recovery from flood damage for a property and all of the items that most families will actually keep in their home can be quite significant and coping with all of the stress and unhappiness that will often be more related to the irreplaceable sentimental items to be damaged rather than furniture damage can be a long term process.  By focusing on the irreplaceable items when preparing for a flood, and to let the insurance company carry out the relevant steps when dealing with the flood damage, this will lead to the smoothest recovery from the flooding.

Fee Up On Water Damage

When it comes time for us to sell our home, we want to put the best foot forward.  You clean it up, spruce it up, fix it up, and do all you can to increase the aesthetic appearance of the home, and of course you tend to downplay the imperfections or minor flaws in the hopes of attracting a buyer.

It is all a part of the selling process to be sure, but there are areas where you are required to provide full disclosure when it comes to previous damage, namely that inflicted by water.  Some states such as New York, even have laws specifically stating that you must disclose any information that may affect a person’s decision to buy your home.  Failure to do so can carry some consequences that are kind of on the heavy side, both for the seller and their agent. 

New York State, for example, requires what is known as a “Caveat Emptor”, wherein the state does require homeowners to fill out a property disclosure statement before they close.  If they choose not to provide this form, they end up crediting the buyer $500 at closing.  This is designed to provide some measure of protection in the event of a previously unforeseen problem.

Most closing attorneys will advise the credit, as it reduces liability in the future.  It would be all too easy to miss something that should have gone on the property disclosure, something that may end up costing the seller a lot more money.  Unfortunately, too many sellers take this as “permission” not to disclose any issues.

A Property Disclosure Form contains a veritable laundry list of items ranging from structural defects to the type of wiring in the house. It also includes plumbing and sewage issues, water leakage of any type, termites or other insect infestations, roof leaks and defects.

Now if a property has any structural issues, homeowners are required by law to fully disclose them.  Buyers must be made aware if the property sits in a flood zone or flood plain, or if it is in an area that is at high risk for fire or earthquake or other natural disasters. 

If a seller discloses a problem and the buyer chooses to proceed with the purchase, the seller can no longer be held responsible for the problem.  If the problem is not discloses and is discovered later, the seller could be successfully sued over it.

Thousands of people up and down the East Coast will have to deal with this problem thanks to Hurricane Irene, which flooded numerous basements and put their owners on the hook for such damages in the future.  It becomes important to clean the damage up as quickly as possible, thus preventing other, more long term problems such as mold. 

Above all else, never try to hide evidence of damage.  Painting over water stains is only a temporary fix, and home inspectors are trained to find those elusive problems. 

For the best results with fixing water damage, contact the professionals at Water Damage  They are available 24/7 to handle even the largest water restoration needs.  Call today for a free estimate.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Choosing Among The Top Swiss Watch Brands...

There are many reasons why people will choose to purchase a Swiss watch.  But these will usually be because of the unique features that can be found in such watches and the inevitable prestige that comes from buying an item with a long and acclaimed heritage.  Nevertheless, the big choice will often be between the top Swiss watch brands which will often be competing for a relatively small number of customers.  This is why the small differences and the importance of advertising is so important to these companies, as being a recognizable name is something that many will see as vital.

The first things that will usually be looked at when it comes to making the choice between the top Swiss watch brands will be in terms of the popularity of the brands themselves, and this is where the money that is invested in sponsorship and other publicity activities by these brands becomes a very important part of their business strategy.  Getting the name into the public eye will be the first step for these companies, as it will be vital to get the customers through the door so that they can see the quality and the style that is on offer by these manufacturers.

It is also important to maintain the brand, as the purchase of a Swiss watch is something which an individual will only do once every five years, or even once every decade.  Keeping the names of the top Swiss watch brands in their eye during this period will help to make one brand stand out above the other when it comes to making a purchase.  There are some wealthy people who can buy watches much more frequently, but for the majority of buyers, the prestige of a Swiss watch is a rare luxury that will be treasured over many years.

The designs of individual watches will often be the tipping factor as individuals look to make the decision between one or the other of the top Swiss watch brands, and this is why the manufacturers will always be working on new models which will help them advance the image of the brand, yet still look stylish and fresh.  In an industry where the style changes will usually move fairly slowly, it is the little details that will help make one watch stand out over another, and manufacturers are always looking at new materials or factors which can be added to boost the prestige and the design to beat off the competition.

Choosing one of the top Swiss watch brands will be a decision that makes a lot of sense in terms of getting the exceptional quality offered by a Swiss watch, and will also mean that these people will be looking for something that will meet their image of what such a watch should offer.  This may change slightly from season to season, depending on many external factors, but traditional designs will usually be the ones which garner the most popularity.

Irene Sets Stage For Mold...

Hurricane Irene caused severe flooding from the Carolinas to Maine. All that water shut down highways, eroded beaches and found its way into into basements and other low lying structures. That means more headaches ahead for homeowners. To prevent mold from growing and spreading after a flood, you have to act fast—within 48 hours. Here's what the Centers for Disease Control recommends:

Clean up and dry out the structure as fast as possible. Open all doors and windows and use fans or dehumidifiers to dry out the building.

Remove all items that have been wet for more than 48 hours and that cannot be thoroughly cleaned and dried. These items can become a source of mold growth.

Porous, non-cleanable items include rugs, carpets and carpet padding, upholstery, wallpaper, drywall, ceiling tiles, insulation material, some clothing, leather, paper, some wood and wood products, and food. Removal and cleaning are of utmost importance because even dead mold can cause allergic reactions.

Dry out and clean all wet items and surfaces with detergent and water to prevent mold growth.

In recent years, there has been some conflicting advice over whether or not homeowners should use chlorine to clean up mold outbreaks. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends using just water and detergent to attack mold but doesn't rule out the use of bleach or other solutions for larger problems.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends using a mixture of ½ cup of bleach mixed into a gallon of water for mold that's caused by floodwaters. Never mix bleach or bleach-containing products with ammonia or ammonia-containing products. "Because floodwaters are likely to be contaminated with human and animal waste, OSHA recommends the use of bleach, but only in situations where there is a light covering of mold, and only after the area is cleaned with soap and water," says OSHA spokesman Richard DeAngelis.

To keep mold from rapidly spreading, dry out your basement or damp area as soon as possible. If you think a serious mold problem is developing, consult a professional mold remediation service. You should also consult an expert if people who live in your home have health issues or are immune suppressed.

If the floodwaters have affected your heating and air conditioning you'll need help from a qualified mold removal professional, says the CDC. All surfaces of an HVAC system and all its components that were submerged during a flood are potential reservoirs for dirt, debris, and microorganisms, including bacteria and mold. In addition, moisture can collect in areas of HVAC system components that were not submerged (e.g., air supply ducts above the water line), and this also can lead to the growth of microorganisms. That's why all components of the HVAC system should be thoroughly inspected, cleaned of dirt and debris, and disinfected by a professional.

Picking Up After Irene...

Now that Hurricane Irene is history, for many people the headaches are just beginning, in the form of the massive cleanup effort that will be required in her wake.  Irene left behind billions of dollars in damage that simply cannot be repaired overnight.  Indeed, her effects will be felt for months and quite possibly years to come.

If you are looking around at what used to be your home or business and wondering “now what?” here are a few tips to help you get a foothold on something resembling recovery.

Don’t Use Medicines Affected By Flood Water.  If you have flood damage, you should assume that all food, water, and medications have been contaminated.  Prescriptions can always be refilled, so play it safe and get rid of everything that has come in contact with flood water.

Make The Most Of Your Apps.  We live in the most advanced technological society ever, and information on disaster relief and changing weather conditions are as close as your iPhone.  Social media has become an excellent way to determine what is going on in a given scenario, and is passed along with lightning speed.  You can download useful apps from FEMA, The Red Cross, and other disaster recovery outfits.

Avoid Debris Piles.  Of course you will want to start cleaning up as soon as possible, but try to avoid exchanging one mess for another.  Many people who are cleaning out their homes will simply chunk debris into their front yard, creating a small mountain of junk.  Debris piles can create new hazards if left unattended, and depending on their location, may impede access to gas lines or fire hydrants. 

Know Your Tools.  Chainsaws are one of the most popular tools for cleanup following a natural disaster.  Unfortunately, they can also cause problems of their own.  Thousands of people are injured every year as a result of simply not being careful when using such tools.  Always wear gloves, eye protection, and cut resistant leg chaps when using chainsaws.  If the job you’re facing looks too big for you to handle, it probably is.  
Know when you give up doing it yourself and call in professional help.

Have A Backup Plan.   Knowing that storms like this usually knock out power to a wide area, consider investing in a good quality generator that can kick in and continue supplying power to your home in the event of a disaster.  Stationary, outside-mounted generators are popular, since they run on propane or natural gas and supply more power. Kohler's $3,700 12RESL delivered more than 10,000 watts and costs less than many in its class.

Beware Of Scams.  Anywhere there is a disaster, there will always be folks who have decidedly less than your best interests at heart.  In fact, they are just there to part you from as much money as they can.  From the Consumer Reports blog: “Beware of unsolicited emails and calls, which may come from scammers trying to sound like a well-known charity. Also know that legitimate groups sometimes hire direct mail or telephone telemarketers who take a substantial portion of the donation. It’s always best to bypass any middlemen and give directly to an organization that you know can help.”

Of course, Water Damage is available 24/7 to handle all of your flood damage, water removal, and restoration needs.  Call one of our IICRC certified providers today for a free estimate.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Should You Join A Golf Club...

One of the big questions for many golfers is whether or not they should sign up for a membership with their local golf course club, or whether it is more economical to actually look at paying per round of golf wherever they are in the country.  There are benefits and drawbacks to both methods, but it really is something that should be considered for those who want to be able to play golf when they want and when they have the time available, so considering joining a golf course club is a big step.

Probably the biggest reason for getting a membership for your local golf course is that it makes the process of actually getting out on the course regularly and improving your game on that course becomes much easier, and it will also give members priority over those who aren’t members but want to play on a pay per round basis.  If you are likely to play the same golf course regularly, then taking out a membership at the club will usually be the best option, as it will often come with a number of other benefits and perks at the club too.

However, for those who travel regularly and tend to play their golf at different courses depending on where they are at the time will usually not see the benefit of taking out a membership at their local golf course, as they will still often be paying per round at the different courses they visit.  There are certain benefits that are available to members over the other players who visit occasionally, and it will be up to the individual whether or not these are worth signing up to become a member of the club for their local golf course.

The more difficult decision comes for those people who fall between the two main groups of golfers, and want to be able to play fairly regularly on the course, and in this case it can be a necessity to do a few calculations to try and project how much it would be to pay per round when compared with becoming a member of the club.  The golf course membership fee will often be quite competitive when it is compared with playing the course and paying each time, so often playing once a month will make it worthwhile to actually sign up to a golf course membership.

On the whole, many people actually join their local golf course for the social and the membership benefits as much as they do for access to the course itself. But especially for those golfers who are really fans of the sport and play regularly, then a membership will usually be a must.  The ability to play competitively will also be a big attraction for many, and although the game around the golf course can be a relaxing and stress reducing thing, getting into a competition situation can bring a lot of different benefits and things to enjoy in the game.

Country Golf Courses...

One of the things that can often become frustrating for many golfers is that, they will usually know their local golf course quite well, and will be familiar with the contours and the grass to be found around the course, but venturing around the rest of the country golf courses can often be a bit of a mystery.  This is why it is very important for golfers to try and make sure that they play at different golf courses, and it can be especially beneficial to go to other back country golf courses to get experience of different golfing conditions.

What many people will suffer when they go around the various country golf courses that they have only rarely visited is that they will know all the shots that they should play on their home course, but not playing other courses regularly means that they won’t be able to figure out the right shots to play in unfamiliar surroundings.  Overcoming this sort of thinking is vital to actually improving as a golfer, and seeing and playing many different country golf courses will really help players to get a better feel for the game away from their home course, and start to become a much more rounded golfer.

Some of the key things for those who do go to play golf at the country golf courses both near and far are to try and avoid taking too much advice from the local players, and to use their own thoughts to choose the right shots to play in unfamiliar situations.  By being pragmatic and trying out different things on the course, then the improvement that will be seen from playing the different back country golf courses will be significant, and the whole approach to playing golf will probably recover from the over familiarity with their home golf club.

As well as offering different perspectives and challenges for players that may have become stale playing the same course every time, using different back country golf courses will also introduce you to different players who will often have a different approach, and will be good for offering such an approach.  Different country golf courses can offer an even bigger parallel with the usual golf course, and learning different ways of approaching the greens and taking shots from different lies will also help to improve the games.

It is fair to say that going around the back country golf courses will help to freshen up an individual’s game if they tend to play the same course all the time, but by doing this as a part of the golfing development, then this will help them to find different solutions to tough situations, and to learn how to overcome different golfing challenges.  Hitting the back country golf courses shouldn’t just be for those who are looking to develop their game, but can also help those who are competing for their club to be more prepared for competitions at other courses.

As the remnants of Hurricane Irene blow into Canada, the destruction left behind on the United States’ Eastern Seaboard will continue to be felt for some time to come.  Dangerous flood waters continue to threaten residents from North Carolina to New York, even as Irene was further downgraded to a tropical depression, with sustained winds around 50 mph. 

Some estimates place the dollar value on the damage in the $7 billion neighborhood, and over 5 million people have been left without power.  As of Monday morning, the death toll as a result of the storm stood at 24, mostly people killed by falling trees on their homes or cars.

Irene caused massive flooding in New England and New York, with widespread flood damage in Vermont.  New York City subway services were shut down for the first time in history due to a natural disaster, and Philadelphia Rapid Transit services were also interrupted.

Fortunately, Irene weakened as she approached the mainland, striking with far less strength than the strong Category 3 that was originally predicted.  As a result, much of the damage predicted for New York City never happened, although flood waters and water damage were still considerable.  NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg said “All in all, we’re in pretty good shape.”

New York’s main power company, Consolidated Edison, didn’t have to execute their plan of cutting power to lower Manhattan to protect its equipment from seawater, even though flooding did manage to close side streets and major highways across New York and New Jersey.  More than 137 miles of state highway were washed out.

In Massachusetts, the National Guard had to help people evacuate. The ski resort town of Wilmington, Vt., was flooded, but nobody could get to it because both state roads leading there were underwater.

Chris Fogarty, director of the Canadian Hurricane Centre, warned of flooding and wind damage in eastern Canada and said the heaviest rainfall was expected in Quebec, where about 250,000 homes were without power.

The problems with Irene were compounded by the fact that the Northeast had already received considerable rainfall so far this season, resulting in saturated ground which meant flooding would occur almost instantly. 

And while electricity had been restored to several hundred thousand people by Monday, many people were given the sobering news that they could conceivably be without power until after Labor Day.

Virginia officials had warned of storm surges of up to eight feet, however the end result was less severe, and the damage, while considerable, was far less than what was anticipated.

New York’s airports reopened on Monday; however it will take several days to recover and even out schedules that were disrupted by the more than 11,000 flights that were canceled as a result if Hurricane Irene.

And the threats may not be over just yet.  Forming off the coast of Africa is another tropical depression that computer models estimate could threaten the East Coast again in about ten days.  The National Hurricane Center says this could become a named storm by Wednesday. 

As always, Water Damage is on top of the problem, available 24/7 and ready to handle even the largest of water and flood damage and storm related problems.   Call today for a free estimate.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) has conducted a full-scale research test program of how wind-driven water, such as that occurring during hurricanes, penetrates openings in residential roof systems.

“Wind-driven rain that gets into a house through openings in the roof can collapse ceilings and cause extensive damage to interior finishes, furnishings, and other family possessions,” said Julie Rochman, president & CEO at IBHS. “The testing conducted by our engineers clearly demonstrated that water penetration during hurricanes could be substantially reduced by sealing the roof deck seams.”

For new construction or re-roofing, roof deck seams can be sealed from the exterior using a modified bitumen tape. For retrofitting when the roof cover is not replaced, homeowners can seal the roof deck seams from the inside with a closed-cell foam spray adhesive.

IBHS researchers built a 1,300-square foot, single-story duplex test building with construction features common in many coastal and inland areas of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast states with hurricane exposure. The interior of the duplex was furnished. Both sides of the duplex roof were identical, with the critical exception of using modified bitumen tape to seal the between-sheathing joints and gaps on one side of the roof.

The  building was placed inside a 21,000-square foot test chamber and subjected to several individual test sequences involving high-speed, multi-directional, gusty winds and prolonged exposure to the typical amount of rain during a hurricane, delivered at a rate of up to eight inches per hour. Video footage of the interior of both sides of the building filmed during the test showed water entering the side with the unsealed roof deck, streaming off of light fixtures and ceiling fans. Approximately 30 minutes after the completion of the test, portions of the ceiling on the unsealed side began to collapse.

“In the real world, a family would be uprooted from the home without the sealed roof deck, potentially for months while repairs were made,” said Dr. Anne Cope, IBHS research director. “However, a family living in the home with the sealed roof deck could probably stay in the home while repairs were made, and if they did have to leave, then they would likely be able to return to the home much sooner.”

Following the test, IBHS brought in a trained claims adjuster to estimate the amount of damage each house suffered. He assessed the damage to the front three rooms on both sides of the duplex, including the kitchen, dining room, and family room. During a hurricane or high wind event, winds generally come from a relatively small range of directions after aroof cover has blown off, so damaged is usually confined to one area of a house.

According to the adjuster’s report, estimated damage on the unsealed side totaled nearly $17,000, while estimated damage on the sealed side totaled approximately $5,400. Of particular note is that the furniture in the side with the unsealed roof deck had to be replaced, while the furnishings in the side with the sealed roof deck only had to be cleaned.

“Sealing the roof deck can significantly strengthen this critical part of a home and reduce the chances of a catastrophic loss due to water damage when the roof covering is compromised or blown off entirely during a high-wind event,” Cope said.

Water Damage is available 24/7 for all your water removal needs.

All Eyes On Irene...

Hurricane Irene is poised to become the strongest storm to strike the US East Coast in the last 70 years.  Evacuation efforts are underway along the North Carolina coast and Outer Banks, where Irene is expected to make landfall as a major Category 3 hurricane sometime on Saturday, and a recent shift in her course could mean serious trouble for New York City and New England by Sunday.

The National Hurricane Center says that there is “significant uncertainty” about exactly how strong Irene will be when she does make landfall, but its current predicted path could mean a lot of trouble from the Carolinas to Maine.

A hurricane watch is in effect across the North Carolina coast to the border of Virginia, with a tropical storm watch in effect for much of the South Carolina coastline.  Irene could conceivably cause problems for every state from South Carolina north.

On her present course, Irene could strike New York City as a Category 2 storm sometime late Sunday, with sustained winds of 96 mph. The end result could be severe flooding in the Big Apple on the scale of five or more feet.  The storm could also cause widespread tree damage, major power outages, and structural damage to buildings and homes.  New York skyscrapers could see large numbers of windows blown out.

Damaging winds of between 40-70 mph will extend 150 miles west and 250 miles east from the storm’s center.  Up to 8 inches of rain could be dumped along the storm’s predicted path.

Recent storms in many areas along Irene’s path have left the ground saturated, and flooding concerns are major since any excess water will have no place to go.  The drainage systems in Philadelphia and New York City are almost certain to be overwhelmed. 

Boats docked along the Mid-Atlantic and New England coasts should be moved, as storm surges are predicted to be severe, and some of these boats could wind up beached several miles inland.

On Thursday, Irene moved across the Bahamas, dumping more than a foot of rain and producing dangerous storm surge. 

Water Damage advises people in the path of this storm to evacuate if at all possible.  Simply getting out of the storm’s way is the easiest and safest course of action.

Attempting to ride out a storm is ill advised.  The risk of injury or death is great, and if you are injured, 
extreme conditions may make it impossible for paramedics or fire fighters to reach you.  Don’t put yourself or them in that position. 

Instead, be prepared to leave before things get bad.  Have evacuation bags, or “go bags” prepared for each family member, each containing a change of clothes for several days in a motel or shelter, non-perishable food, bottled water, ID and other important documents, plenty of cash, as well as first aid supplies and a battery powered radio (with extra batteries).  Use it to keep abreast of rapidly changing weather conditions.

Water Damage is a national network of IICRC certified water restoration providers.  Available 24/7, they are equipped to handle even the largest flood damage or other water damage issues.

Call today for a peace of mind tomorrow…

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Changes In Swiss Watch Models...

Much like any other fashion item, the manufacturers of Swiss watches will always be introducing new and improved models on to the market that will be designed to encourage people to look at the latest styles that are available. For most people though, the design of watches will have been very similar over the decades.  It is usually the quality and the value that is on offer from Swiss watches that helps people to buy from such brands, so this does encourage the question why people would actually look to purchase new Swiss watch models on a regular basis, which is certainly something that some people will enjoy doing.

One of the key reasons that the new Swiss watch models will remain popular is that there is certainly a style and prestige factor that comes from having such an item on an individual's wrist. And the watch brands certainly do make a lot of effort to make sure that their watches are seen on the wrists of popular stars and celebrities.  This will help boost the desirable status of the new models, and will be something that will help encourage many people to spend their disposable income on an item such as a luxury Swiss watch.

Another reason that there will often be buyers for the new Swiss watch models is that the manufacturers will have an interest in including fashionable developments within their products, and is one of the big reasons that people will look to keep abreast of any changes in such fashions.  Although they may appear to only be small changes in the product itself and its design, this constant evolution in the product will encourage people to keep purchasing the latest example of its kind.  And with the enduring reliability and value of such items, it will also help them to keep ahead of the trends and the changes in the industry.

Looking at the changes that can be seen in the progression through the frequent new Swiss watch models, it can be difficult to see the difference from one year to the next, but when considered on a longer time frame, this will be something that will see long term development, and new features that improve accuracy, along with the style trends that help to move the products along.  There is no doubt that these luxury watches are certainly a desirable product, and it is in the interests of the manufacturers to keep people coming back to see what the new changes in the market are, and to see how it has changed over the years.

Buying a Swiss watch is something that is very desirable for many people.  And although the motivation will usually be more to do with the enduring quality and style of the items rather than the small changes that can be seen from season to season in the new Swiss watch models, this will often appeal to those people that are a little more style conscious.

Texas Hold Em Rules....

At the moment, when it comes to popular card games, there is nothing greater than that of Poker, of which Texas Hold ‘Em is the most popular variant.  However, these poker rules give a game that can be just as enjoyable when played for pennies, which is why there are thousands of people learning about poker rules every day.

The aim of Texas Hold ‘Em poker rules is to make the best hand of five cards available, from five cards which everyone can use and are dealt face up on the table along with two cards given to each player which remain hidden.  The key part of the poker rules is the value of different hands, where a flush is having five cards of the same suit, and a straight is five cards of consecutive numbers, and the full house is a pair of cards and a three of a kind in one hand.  Here is how the poker hands rank:

1.         Royal Flush – 10 to Ace of the same suit.
2.         Straight Flush – any five cards with ascending numbers, in most poker rules the higher the value the better.
3.         Four of a Kind
4.         Full House
5.         Flush
6.         Straight
7.         Three of a Kind
8.         Two Pair
9.         Pair
10.       High Card – The highest card in the hand is higher than the highest card in the opponents’ hand. 

However, achieving the best hand is only a part of the poker rules, as there are plenty of other things which help each hand to reach this culmination.

The game needs to be played by at least three players, and they will usually be sat around a table.  There is a dealer button, which moves once clockwise after every hand, indicating who should deal the cards.  Depending on the stakes available and the poker rules, there will be a minimum bet, and the person to the left will always put down half of this minimum bet before cards are dealt, which is known as the little blind, and the person to their left will then put down the minimum bet, which is known as the big blind.

Then each player will receive their two cards, and the first betting round takes place.  The person to the left of the big blind gets the first choice as to whether to put in the minimum bet, or to give up and fold.  Those people who fold do not show their cards to other players.  Once everyone has decided whether or not to play, the first three cards are dealt, and another betting round occurs.  Then the fourth communal card is dealt, and another round of betting.  Finally the fifth communal card is dealt, before a final betting round.  Then the cards are compared, and the winner is the one with the highest rated hand.  This sequence can vary depending on the poker rules used.

The hands will usually continue until all the players choose not to play anymore, or are out of money or chips to play with, depending on the poker rules in place.

Things To Know Before You Go....

Whether you're going on vacation for spring break, travel extensively for business or pleasure, have rental property that is unoccupied, or share time between two homes, there are things you can and should do before closing up your house for any real length of time, according to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.
Adjust Thermostat - One of the easiest things to do, but something easily forgotten, is adjusting the thermostat.
    * In colder climates, don't turn the thermostat off. Instead, lower it to a temperature that's warm enough to keep pipes from freezing but low enough that you are not spending money to heat an empty home. (No lower than 55 degrees.)
    * In warmer climates, high temperatures and humidity can damage furniture or other home contents. In this case, set your air conditioner to 85 degrees.
Protect Plumbing - Both plastic (PVC) and copper pipes can burst. Pipes, water heaters and other appliances can leak, or in freezing weather, pipes can freeze and burst, which can cause major damage in a home left unattended.
    * If you are leaving for an extended period of time, the best protection is to have the water shut off and the water lines drained.
          o Seek the advice of a professional plumber, who can shut off the valve at the water meter and send water outdoors and away from the house or into a basement drain. Once this has been done, the plumber should flush all toilets and drain the showerhead pipe.
          o Shut off the gas to the water heater (or the gas company can do this for you), or turn the temperature control to a "vacation" setting. If your house has a water softener, shut off its supply line.
    * If you choose to leave the water service turned on or will be away only a short while:
          o Make sure all pipes are insulated, especially in a garage or basement next to an outside wall or in crawl spaces and the attic. These exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing.
          o Heat tape can also be used to wrap pipes. Wrap the tape or cables around water pipes, plug in the cord and the heating element will warm the pipes to prevent freezing. Closely follow all manufacturers' installation and operation instructions.
          o Turn off the water supply to individual fixtures like your washing machine, icemaker, toilets and sinks.
            Flooding often occurs when hoses are worn or ruptured, or there is a leak at the connection.
          o Don't leave appliances (dishwasher, washing machine or dryer) running when you leave, and check to make sure toilets aren't running. As an extra precaution, unplug your toaster, coffee maker, microwave oven, computer and television.
          o Make sure the sump pump is working, especially in late winter or early spring when melting snow or heavy rain increases the risk of basement flooding.
Plan for High Wind - If you're going to be away during a season that brings high wind, protect your property:
          o Trim dead limbs from trees and shrubbery and store outdoor furniture and other objects that could become damaging missiles if picked up by high wind.
          o Close and lock all doors, windows, skylights and vents to keep out wind and wind-driven rain.
Make Your House or Business Look Occupied - An empty, unsecured property can be a tempting target for thieves and vandals.
    * Put interior and exterior lights on timers and/or motion sensors. Set the timers on staggered hours to turn lights on and off at different times.
    * Make sure tapered deadbolt locks all installed and in use on entry doors. The taper makes it almost impossible to use a wrench or other tool to twist the lock open.
    * Suspend mail service and newspaper delivery.
    * Install a monitored security system. (Insurers often provide discounts for devices that make a home safer, so consider the financial benefit.)
    * Inform the local police department that your house will be empty.

I Survived The East Coast Quake...

The most powerful earthquake to strike the east coast in 67 years occurred on Tuesday at 1:15PM, registering a whopping 5.8 on the Richter Scale and overturning lawn furniture from South Carolina to Maine.  In Washington D, the White House, Pentagon, and Capitol were evacuated.  In California, residents had a good chuckle at the East Coast’s expense.

The National Cathedral in DC suffered damage to three of its four spires, and the Washington Monument was shut down indefinitely after cracks were discovered in the structure following the quake, which was centered 40 miles northwest of Richmond, VA. 

The quake came just shy of three weeks from the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, prompting some to wonder if the shaking was part of something more sinister.  In lower Manhattan, the 26-story federal courthouse, blocks from ground zero of the Sept. 11 attacks, began swaying, and hundreds of people streamed out of the building.

The Park Service closed all monuments and memorials on the National Mall, and ceiling tiles fell at Reagan National Airport outside Washington. All flights there were put on hold.

The quake was felt as far south as Charleston SC and as far north as Bangor MN.  Even President Barack Obama felt the quake as he prepared for a round of golf on his vacation stay in Martha’s Vineyard. 

By West Coast standards, where earthquakes are much more common, the East Coast quake was a walk in the park. Since 1900, there have been 40 quakes of magnitude 5.8 or greater in California alone. There have been 43 of magnitude 6 of greater.

Earthquakes in the east may be far rarer, but they do tend to be felt over a much broader geographic area.

"The waves are able to reverberate and travel pretty happily out for miles," said U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Susan Hough.

The earthquake caused a stir online, where people posted to Facebook and Twitter within seconds and described what they had felt. The keywords in posts, or hash tags, included "DCquake," ''VAquake" and "Columbusquake," an indication of how broadly the quake was experienced.  Religious groups used the quake as an opportunity to warn about the impending end times.

Sarah Atkinson, a manager for a marketing firm in San Jose, was unimpressed by all the excitement.

"5.8? That's what us Californians use to stir our coffee with," she tweeted.

Aftershocks measuring 2.8 and 2.2 respectively were felt in the hours immediately following the quake, but no additional damage or injuries were reported. 

No matter where they occur, earthquakes can cause issues with homes, businesses, or other structures.  
Following a quake, it is advisable to thoroughly inspect your property for cracks, leaks, or any other damage.

Obviously, water leaks are a concern, and if found, they should be cleaned up and repaired as soon as possible.  Water damage will not repair itself on its own, and will only get worse over time.  Everything must be completely dried out, cleaned, and disinfected in order to prevent more serious, long term problems from occurring. 

Water Damage is available 24/7 to handle all of your water damage, flood damage, and yes, even earthquake damage needs (well, at least as far as the earthquake pertains to water!).  Call them today for a free estimate or phone consultation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There are many successful people who have managed to adapt to their working lives so that they are able to base themselves at home for the majority of the time, but for those who still spend their lives at the office, they may be looking for work from home jobs that are available, or opportunities to be able to carry out some of their work at home.  For the most part, the majority of jobs that require a finished piece of work that is written or digital in its format can be done from home, and it is also possible to do much of the work involved in sales from home too.

One of the first types of work from home jobs that are often completed are those in a creative or analytical style, which only requires input from an individual, or from a small group of people. And with the developments in conference calling and online communication, not having everyone in the same room has become less of a problem.  As long as the conclusion of the work can be sent electronically, then this is a good type of work which can be carried out at home, and can be adjusted to fit around the everyday necessities of living at home.

Another area of work from home jobs that are particularly popular are those which can be done online, and there are many facets to this type of work.  For some people, it will be a work along the lines of doing paperwork or data entry on a very basic level, and for others, it can involve starting and maintaining a website, or even advertising and marketing products and services online, and then reaping the reward of those successful marketing activities.

One area which is often overlooked when it comes to work from home jobs is that which has developed as a side effect of websites such as eBay and Amazon marketplace, where individuals can buy goods at a low price, and then sell them online and arrange for them to be delivered to and from their own home.  This of course will only work if they have plenty of space available, but it is certainly an option worth considering for those people who are looking for an option they can use when looking to work at home, although it will be working for themselves for the most part.

Securing one of the successful work from home jobs can be something that is both useful and valuable for people who are looking for a different way to make a living, and can be a great way to adapt the working life around home life rather than the traditional situation where people have to adapt their home lives around their working lives.  In some situations, for those who are especially successful at the job, then the income can actually eclipse what was earned by doing the slog of the nine to five.

In The Wake of Irene....

With Hurricane Irene expected to slam the US mainland this weekend as a Category 3 or 4 storm, it goes without saying the damage left in her wake will be considerable.  Residents will no doubt be displaced, and will find themselves coming home to property that has been either seriously damaged or destroyed.  It becomes imperative to know what to do and how to respond in the wake of such a disaster.

Some basics for post hurricane activities:

Do not return to your home until the all clear has been given by federal and local authorities.  There may be dangers presented by flood waters or downed power lines.  Wait until official word comes down before making any attempt to go home.

Keep the radio on.  Conditions and situations may still changes rapidly in the wake of a major storm, and you want to be aware of them.  You can also find information about medical shelters, financial assistance, etc.

Don’t find yourself just hanging out.  Scenarios such as this do not require spectators.  In fact, you could end up just getting in the way of serious rescue and recovery efforts.   Yes, the damage can be interesting to look at, but not at the expense of someone else’s safety.

Avoid driving as much as possible.  As mentioned, some streets may still be flooded, which could disguise the fact that the road may not even be there anymore.  There may also be debris in the streets that could cause accidents or injury.

Once you do return to your home, do not turn on any electrical appliance or device.  Inspect electrical appliances for water damage, and beware of any loose or dangling power or electrical lines.  When in doubt, your electrical system should be inspected by a qualified electrician before any further use.  Electricity and water do not mix. 

Verify that your structure is stable before entering.  Flood waters can shift a home on its foundations, and hurricane force winds can have a similar effect.  You don’t want your home coming down around you.

Open doors and windows to begin ventilating your home.  They key to removing water damage is to get as much air circulating throughout the home as possible. 

Limit your use of the phone.  In the aftermath of a disaster such as this, phone circuits will no doubt be jammed with people needing assistance.  You can wait for a bit before calling your Aunt Harriet in Michigan to let her know you’re okay.

Use bottled water and food that has been properly sealed, such as canned goods.  If power was out for any length of time, assume that all refrigerated food has spoiled.  Don’t make a bad situation worse by eating the wrong thing.

Take photographs or video of the damage, as this will prove invaluable when it comes to dealing with your insurance company.

Don’t let your yard become a waste dump.  Too many people throw debris into their yard, where it can become another health hazard.  Make sure everything is properly hauled away and disposed of.

Yards flooded by sewage can be treated by a liberal application of lime.  Keep children and animals away from lime treated areas until the lime has dissolved.

Be prepared for the long haul.  Cleaning up after a hurricane is a long and involved process. 

Contact Water Damage for all your flood damage or hurricane clean up issues.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One of the major things that helps people to buy a new item, whatever it is, will be whether it receives favorable or negative reviews in the general press.  And for the most part, this is why people will often look at Swiss watch reviews before they pay their money for a new timepiece.  Because of this reliance on expert opinions, it has often led to advances in watch technology which would otherwise have not happened, as manufacturers strive to stay ahead of the game, and to keep their products at the forefront of the market simply to try and court a positive result when they see their item in the Swiss watch reviews.

This is not to say that these are a bad thing, but a negative review will often prompt the manufacturers and the designers to take another look at the items they are producing, and to make sure that they sit at the front end of the market both in terms of the prices that they offer and the features included for that price.  This will often have led to changes in an industry which has often been prone to only making cosmetic changes to their products that has sometimes led to short periods of stagnation.  But with the critique that is provided by Swiss watch reviews, this has helped to push the industry forward.

One of the reasons that many people turn to Swiss watch reviews before buying a new watch is that it can help to compare what the different pieces have to offer, and the reviewer will usually be more experienced than an individual buyer when it comes to identifying the small differences between the pieces that will make one stand out more than the other.  Even in the luxury market of Swiss watches, people will still want to know that they are receiving value for money when they purchase such an item, and comparing the different Swiss watch reviews will help them to make this decision.

One of the key factors that will influence what sort of a review a watch will get will be down to the individual reviewer's taste, but ultimately, the Swiss watch reviews will be experienced in knowing what to look for in terms of the signs of quality, and will know what features will be a sign of the high quality craftsmanship that people associate with Swiss watches.  Buying a Swiss watch will be the biggest luxury that many people will enjoy in their everyday lives, and making sure that they get value and quality is what they hope that these reviews will help them to get.

Some people may look to Swiss watch reviews that will compare a number of products new to the market in that season, while others may be a little more pragmatic and look for reviews of individual pieces made by their favorite manufacturer, but ultimately, all of these will help them to make an informed decision when buying a new watch.

Georgia Deck Collapse Blamed On Water Damage...

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you will know that we are perpetually warning about the dangers of water damage, in particular the more nefarious side effects such as mold and even the structural compromise of your home or business.  Not only can flood waters shift a structure on its foundation, making it prone to collapse, but even smaller, untreated cases of water damage can have an effect on the strength and durability of your home.

There have been reports of homes, businesses, and even entire city blocks being condemned and torn down as a result of out of control mold, but the results of unchecked water damage tend to be slightly more spectacular.

DeKalb County, GA was the site of a recent deck collapse that left four people injured.  The collapse occurred during a family barbeque, sending three adults and one female teenager tumbling two stories to the ground.  All were transported to a local hospital with moderate injuries, including a few broken bones.

The local fire department was Johnny on the spot with this one, being located almost directly across the street from the home in question.  Captain Eric Jackson said “You can see where the deck broke away from the home.  We did notice some water damage and possible termite damage to the wood.”  He went on to say that the deck was in all likelihood built at the same time as the home, about 20 years ago.

The DeKalb incident is a vivid reminder of what can happen if water damage is not properly treated.  Water continues to cause damage and wreak havoc for as long as it is allowed to stand.  Over time, it will wear down and accelerate the rotting of wood, rusting of metal, and deterioration of other structural support members involved in keeping your home or business standing.  The results can be catastrophic.

The obvious solution to the problem is to work with a water damage and restoration professional, somebody who knows what to look for, where to look for it, and what to do with it when they find it.  Water has a way of getting into areas of your home that you would never think to look, and will sit there merrily eating away at your foundation until you do something about it.   Water damage restoration is never as easy as just wiping up the spill.

Water Damage is a nationwide network of water restoration providers, highly trained and certified by the IICRC and RIA.  They are available 24/7, with a full and complete range of services designed to remove the water, dry everything out, and take whatever steps are necessary to return your property to its pre-loss condition.  One call has a technician on your doorstep within the hour, ready to assess your problem and get to work correcting it.  We can also work alongside your homeowners insurance agent or claims adjuster to relieve you of the headaches involved in dealing with insurance companies.

Identify and take care of your water damage problem now, before it gets to the point that danger is involved.  Call the pros at Water Damage today for a free estimate or phone consultation.

Monday, August 22, 2011

So you have basement flooding cleanup issues and you aren’t sure what to do next? Don’t worry it happens to the best of us, unless of course you live in the desert. A flooded basement can cause quite a number of problems so you don’t just want to sit on this and not do anything about it. What exactly can you do about it? Let’s break it up in to two groups: prevention and cleanup.

Basement Flooding Prevention

If you think you’re in an area where your basement could get flooded (and don’t fool yourself most of us non-desert dwellers could have flood problems) then there are a few steps you should take to save yourself some frustration and expense.

First, go out and clean out those gutters you’ve been ignoring for all these months/years. Gutters are designed to move water away from your house and your foundation so when gutters get plugged up with leaves water doesn’t flow properly, causing it to drip off the side. All the water that drips off the side has to go somewhere so it leaks in to your basement by default. Cleaning out gutters is really easy and only takes an hour or so, stop being lazy and go do it.

Next, make sure your yard is landscaped so that water doesn’t pool in any areas, especially near the house. If you notice that after it rains you have puddles next to your foundation it is a great idea to go out and build up the top soil so the slope of the ground flows away from your house. This will go a long way to prevent standing water from ending up in your basement.

Then, buy some foundation waterproofing paint or have an expert put some on for you. Waterproofing paint (or drylock) goes on like regular paint but it absorbs any water in the foundation preventing it from seeping in to your basement. Don’t be stingy with it, apply a good coat and if necessary apply two coats. Basement flooding can be a major pain, so don’t find yourself in a bad spot because you didn’t want to spend $20 on another can of waterproofer.

Lastly, look in to installing a sump pump in your basement if you already don’t have one. A sump pump is a hole in the ground that collects flooded water in your basement. Once the water in the hole reaches a certain level it pumps the water out to a safe area. This can go a long way to solving any potential flooding problem you may have.

Basement Flooding Cleanup

So you may be reading this and you already have a flooded basement and you want to know what you should do. A flooded basement can cause all sorts of problems from rotted sheetrock, to damp insulation to weakened support beams so you want to take this flooding problem seriously.

First, make sure there are no electrical wires or outlets that could reach the flooded area. As you know water and electricity don’t mix so if you see any wiring coming in contact with flood damage then call a professional immediately and keep everyone away in the meantime. Don’t take chances here.

Next, get any items stored in your basement away from flooding. Fragile items and cardboard boxes can be damaged very easily by water so be sure to get them to higher ground. Even those durable items like plastic toys should be removed from the flooded area because if they are not cleaned properly mold and mildew will build up on them causing a health issue for you and your family. Also be sure to get any appliances up off the ground as well, cement blocks underneath work great in flood prone areas.

Then make sure the area is properly dried. This you may need to consult a professional on if the damage is too much to dry on your own. Professional flood contractors have fans and dehumidifiers that will dry the room out quickly and easily. Remember any water not dried out will turn to mold and mildew so you want to make sure you do it right.

Last, make sure everything is cleaned properly. Flood damage can cause a lot of health issues, not to mention unpleasant smells in your basement, so you want to make sure you clean as thoroughly as possible.

Bottom line basement flooding is a serious problem, so don’t take chances. If you can prevent it do so, but if you find yourself with a flooded basement, call a professional and breathe easy.