Monday, August 15, 2011

High Winds Topple Another Concert Stage...

For the second time in a month, a concert stage has collapsed under the stress of severe weather, and this time the outcome was deadly. 

In July it was the stage at the Ottowa Blues Festival that collapsed shortly before the band Cheap Trick was to take the stage.  A gust of wind measuring up to 70 mph sent the stage collapsing out from under the classic rock band, who managed to scramble to safety.  No injuries were reported.

Last Friday it was the stage at the Indiana State Fair, where country duo Sugarland was preparing to perform before a crowd of 12,000.  Severe weather had been moving in, and fair officials had warned concert attendees to seek cover.  About four minutes later, a strong gust of wind sent the rigging holding lighting and sound equipment crashing down into the crowd.  Five people were killed and dozens injured.   

Jennifer Nettles, lead singer for Sugarland, posted on the band’s website:

"I am so moved. Moved by the grief of those families who lost loved ones. Moved by the pain of those who were injured and the fear of their families. Moved by the great heroism as I watched so many brave Indianapolis fans actually run toward the stage to try and help lift and rescue those injured. Moved by the quickness and organization of the emergency workers who set up the triage and tended to the injured. There are no words to process a moment of this magnitude and gravity. There are only prayers for peace in the hearts of the bereft, and prayers of thanksgiving for those who were spared or safe. A piece of our heart is left in that grandstand. May God provide peace and healing to the people of Indianapolis." - Jennifer Nettles

These events, while large in scale, vividly illustrate the power of Mother Nature when she chooses to turn malevolent, and the ability of severe weather situations to change rapidly over the course of mere minutes.

It’s been a year of record breaking weather conditions, with severe storms and flooding being reported across the country.  The incident in Indiana is actually the third stage collapse to occur due to strong winds in the last month.  A stage collapse at a Flaming Lips concert in Oklahoma also occurred in July but was less prominently featured in the news cycle.

But it isn’t just rock stars that may be at risk from severe weather.  You and your family need to remain vigilant when the wind and rain start kicking up.  Storms can cause tremendous damage to your property, and flash floods can occur in a matter of minutes, giving you little or no warning. 

You should always be aware of your surroundings and environment, and be prepared to act quickly if things take a nose dive for the worst.  Have an evacuation route planned out and supply bags to sustain you if you have to be away from home for an extended period. 

Water Damage is there to pick up for you in the aftermath of any disaster.  Our nationwide network of providers is available 24/7 and able to handle even the largest spills or damage scenarios.  From water removal and drying, carpet cleaning and mold removal, even structural repair and restoration, Water Damage is your one stop source for all things water damage.

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